A Gentle Approach: self-paced, coached, online class
“I have been successful about laying aside my anxiety and self-flagellation about clutter clearing. I am prioritizing thoughts and activities that take better care of myself. The assignments and exercises were quite helpful to guide me into healthy activities that encouraged me to write and to try things that ended up bringing me insight. I found the reflection and writing inspiring and encouraging.”—Karen Gilbert,November 2017
“This class is teaching me that I’m capable of starting again, that each project has its own emotional content, that there is great value in pondering the process, that I am grateful for each change no matter how small. I’m noticing an emotional transition that is more than hope. It’s a tangible experience and knowing that projects-not-yet-done are not expressions of my failings or weakness. With the power of gentleness I can choose to begin a project, or to wait, or even reject the idea. A strength of choice.”—Carole Hammond, January 2018
Therapeutic Writing Institute online class: Clearing Space to Write, June 2017
Eliot Institute: Series of six 75-minute talks to 120 people, July, 2015
“I wish that everyone could have the opportunity to see Carrie’s presentation. It was very moving to me personally, and I was quite impressed by how much it touched our group. Book her!”—Paul Blackburn, Mayor of Hood River, OR
“Your presentations at Eliot were for me the most stimulating and useful of any of the programs ever offered. I appreciate the warmth and humor with which they were offered.”—Carol Alice
Therapeutic Writing Institute online class: Clearing Space to Write, June 2015
“I wanted to take a moment to let you know again how much I both enjoyed and appreciated your class. I’ve spent my life in higher education, mostly teaching, but at least 1/3rd in administration, where I worked with faculty hiring and development. That by way of background to say how impressed I was with the content, organization, creativity, and effectiveness of your course and teaching. I know how much work and thought goes into creating a great class. The results that your students—myself included—find in your teaching must be deeply rewarding. Thank you again, Carolyn!”—C. Larson
“In this class I have been very grateful for the emphasis in developing a supportive web for both the clutter clearing and the writing. So many clutter texts seem so duty- and task-oriented. For me, a depth of support is much more likely to create task flow. What I hear is an invitation rather than something I have failed to do effectively in the past. I also want to commend the brevity of the resources that you have created. In a few pages, you are able to suggest a great deal to us for reflection and trying out.”—Rev. Dr. Martha Brunell
“Your work is inspiring…the structure and combination of activities was very helpful and provided for very powerful learning.”—Alison H.
Therapeutic Writing Institute online class: Clearing Clutter for the New Year, 2014
“The journey from this class took me way beyond what I imagined the class would be like. I feel armed with a plan to carry on, feeling good about what I’ve accomplished and confident in what I still want to achieve. I’m so glad the journey was supportive, and not a clutter boot camp! Carolyn, your calming and wise presence has been much appreciated!”—Brenda Hudson
“Carolyn, you are a wonder—this is holy work you are doing, and you do it with such love and grace. Thanks for holding the steady center of our process.”—Kay Adams, Founder and Director, the Center for Journal Therapy