Below is a calendar of classes (local and on-line), workshops, presentations, and other scheduled events, many of them free:

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Journal to the Self (R) Online Class
October 29, 2018 @ 8:00 am - December 16, 2018 @ 5:00 pm PDT
$200.00Event Navigation
Course Activities
- Over a seven-week period, learn eighteen different journal-writing processes for personal growth, creative expression, and life management.
- Listen to presentations, learn guidelines and variations, and hear samples of each technique.
- Listen to entrance meditations guiding you gently into many of the writes.
- Share reflections, writings (always optional), questions, and “aha’s” with your classmates, and get written guidance from Certified Journal to the Self Instructor Carolyn Koehnline along the way.
- In an atmosphere of group support and respect for privacy, travel through these rich processes when the time is right for you.
Listen to Carolyn’s introduction to this course by clicking the play button in the audio player below:
- Course Fee is $200 ( Early Bird price of $175 before Oct. 22). Counselors seeking to earn Continuing Education Units must pay an additional $25 fee. See below.
- Dates: Ongoing from October 29- December 16
- Location: Online. You must have internet access to participate. You will receive a log-in ID and password so that you can participate from any place where you have internet access.
- Assignments are organized by week on an easy-to-use platform that allows you to track easily what you’ve done and what more there is to do. The class is designed to be manageable, not overwhelming. You may determine your own pace, but for the sake of keeping current with our online discussion, do your best to be working on the current week’s assignments.
- Class discussion is an important part of the course and will take place in the form of comments and replies on the assignment web pages.
- Expectations: Confidentiality is maintained within the course. You are free to share your own work outside the virtual classroom, but not to disclose what others have shared in class.
- For counselors seeking continuing education units: The Center for Journal Therapy of Denver, CO is an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP™) and a co-sponsor of this program. The Center for Journal Therapy may award NBCC-approved clock hours for events or programs that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP maintains responsibility for the content of this event. To receive CEU’s, you must be a certified or licensed counselor and will need to specify that you want CEU’s when registering. An extra $25 fee will be included in your registration cost. JTTS is considered a 12-hour workshop.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this program, participants will be able to:- Identify three or more reasons why journal writing can be useful in counseling.
- List four or more suggestions for satisfying journal writing.
- Demonstrate to a client, student or patient five or more journal writing techniques.
- Implement journal writing as a tool for therapist self-care.
To Register
Click on the drop-down menu below to pay through Paypal or by credit card. If you prefer to send a check please contact Carolyn to get more information.