Below is a calendar of classes (local and on-line), workshops, presentations, and other scheduled events, many of them free:

FREE Workshop! Creating a Better Relationship to Time in 2017

Village Books 1200 11th Street, Bellingham, WA

How we spend our time is how we spend our lives. Yet it can feel like time is the enemy, chasing us, leaving us behind, dragging its feet, or unexpectedly speeding up and slowing down. Clutter-clearing expert Carolyn Koehnline will share a wide array of strategies to help you engage with time in a more […]

FREE Workshop! Confronting Your Clutter for the New Year

Ferndale Public Library 2125 Main Street, Ferndale, WA, United States

Clutter-clearing expert Carolyn Koehnline will share her criteria for identifying the clutter in your home, head, heart and schedule. She'll explore practical, gentle and creative strategies to release the excess baggage in order to make room for the real treasures in your life. This is a free event.

FREE Workshop: Confronting Your Clutter for the New Year

South Whatcom Library 10 Barnview Court, Bellingham, WA, United States

Clutter-clearing expert Carolyn Koehnline will share her criteria for identifying the clutter in your home, head, heart and schedule. She'll explore practical, gentle and creative strategies to release the excess baggage in order to make room for the real treasures in your life. This is a FREE event.

Clearing the Clutter: A Sacred Act – An Introductory Workshop

First Congregational Church of Bellingham 2401 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham, WA, United States

As we travel through various chapters and changes we tend to accumulate objects, activities, beliefs and stances that block our growth instead of supporting us. Our clutter, inside and out, can be a source of shame and overwhelm. This one-hour interactive presentation explores how we can approach the challenge of clearing it with creativity, self-compassion, […]


Journal to the Self Online Class

In this 6-week online course: Learn 16 ways to use a journal for personal growth, creative expression, and life enrichment; Write on your own schedule; Participate in class discussions, with ongoing support from the instructor; For certified or licensed counselors, earn 12 hours of Continuing Education Units;* For those seeking Journal to the Self Instructor […]


Cultivating Self-Compassion – Forum at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship

Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship 1207 Ellsworth Street, Bellingham, WA

Self-Compassion means turning towards yourself with warmth, kindness and encouragement when you are suffering. It is not selfish, entitled, or weak. According a large and growing body of research it lowers stress and boosts resilience, physical health, motivation and confidence. It can gently transform toxic thoughts and emotions to clear the way for you to […]


Confronting Your Clutter – A Presentation to Seattle AAUW

Best Western Plue Executive Inn 200 Taylor Avenue North, Seattle, WA, United States

For over 20 years Carolyn has been helping people release the excess baggage from their homes, heads, hearts, and schedules to make room for what matters. She will help you figure out what baggage, beliefs and behaviors are a burden to you, and to support you in saying good-bye to whatever you decide you no […]


Clearing Clutter to Simplify Your Life – Bellingham Senior Activity Center, Feb. 1, 1PM

Bellingham Senior Activity Center 315 Halleck Street, Bellingham, WA, United States

Clutter is anything that drains your energy, gets in to your way, distracts from your priorities, and has no place or use in your home or life. Stacks of paper, unproductive thinking, stuck feelings, and time-wasting activities can take up space that could be better used for other things. In this workshop you will learn […]


Letting Go: Compassionate Clutter Clearing

Whatcom Community College 237 W. Kellogg Rd, Bellingham, WA, United States

Periodically clearing the excess baggage from our homes, heads, hearts and schedules can help our lives to grow better. But facing off with the clutter we often encounter guilt, shame, regret and other uncomfortable feelings. There is a growing body of research revealing that when we meet these feelings with warmth and kindness, it makes […]


Explore Your Relationship with Food – Three Week Class Co-Taught with Sheena Grannis

Whatcom Community College 237 W. Kellogg Rd, Bellingham, WA, United States

Explore your personal relationship with food--including inherited patterns, cultural traditions, current fads, and your own eating habits. Gain insights into your eating "triggers" and learn strategies for forming new habits and making healthier choices. We'll discuss effective tools and relevant nutritional information to apply in your daily life as you create a new relationship that […]
